Trying the internal 4k recording on the camera. Amazing quality.
The Sony A7S II slomotion test. In 120 fps. FullHD-1080p The camera automatically turns into aps-c mode when filming in 120 fps. The dynamic range is incredible on this camera. Filming 4k internal. So much possibilitys in post.
This is a teaser that we filmed on 5 october. Today it released officially. The performance has its premiere on 3 december in Oslo, Rom for dans. Check it out 🙂
This is a first test of the Sony a7s mark II in lowlight and handheld. This is filmed at midnight. The street is basically pitch black. ISO on these pictures is between 10 000-40 000. looks amazing. I used a Sony 24-240mm lens on this footage. Both the camera and the lens has stabilisation so it looks very smooth.
So this is our first teaser for Dansenshus. Its from Mia Habibs piece “A SONG TO…” We will be filming and editing for dansenshus until december this year. Many exiting pieces coming in!
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